Landlord News
Landlords show post-Brexit confidence
Landlords are indifferent to the effects of Brexit on their lettings businesses, telling Intus Lettings that it has been neither good nor bad. The national…
Landlords are indifferent to the effects of Brexit on their lettings businesses, telling Intus Lettings that it has been neither good nor bad. The national…
It might not seem like it to many landlords, but property-based businesses in general have been among the most resilient during the Coronavirus Crisis. A…
Temporary changes to the Right to Rent rules made in March 2020, will remain in place until 16 May 2021, the Home Office has announced….
While house moves have been permitted during the Covid Crisis, the Government has continued to advise all parties involved to be as flexible as possible…
A fifth of landlords have told a survey they are looking to leave the market, and a further third that they were unsure about continuing….
Brexit has not put foreign landlords off investing in UK property, London property agent ludlowthompson has reported. In fact the number of overseas landlords owning…
Landlords must ensure that electrical circuits, sockets, light fittings, cookers, and other electrical installations in their rental properties are safe. As of 1 July they…
There was a time when private landlords were thought of as fair and reasonable people, writes Sharon Betton. They knew how to treat tenants and…
Mortgage commitments agreed by lenders were a quarter more at the end of 2020 than at the end of 2019, the private investor platform Hargreaves…
Re-opening the courts last year after their six month Covid closure, did not lead to a surge in possession actions, Cloud software specialist Decorus for…
Notice periods given to tenants in England from 29 August 2020 (to at least 31 March 2021) must be at least six months for most…
From spring 2022, new Welsh tenancy agreements will be for a minimum 12 months. This is among a raft of changes included in the Renting…
Walsall letting agent Homepoint Estate Agents Limited has gone into voluntary liquidation with debts of just under £1m. Of the £977,000 deficit, about £700,000 is…
As a landlord, you’ll need to start thinking about how you will transition to HMRC’s new Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax regulations. As…
Landlords owe a duty of care to their tenants and must make sure, as far as is reasonably possible, that their rental properties are safe,…