Landlord News
One firm pays most Tower hamlet fines
Three quarters of the fines resulting from Tower Hamlet letting agent prosecutions in the last three years were levied against just one firm. Tower Hamlets…
Three quarters of the fines resulting from Tower Hamlet letting agent prosecutions in the last three years were levied against just one firm. Tower Hamlets…
Landlords who have made possession claims on or after 3 August 2020 must provide the court with information about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic…
This week’s £20 cut in Universal Credit will significantly worsen the levels of private sector rent debt, the National Residential Landlords Association has warned. According…
Nationwide has launched a free service to help landlords better manage their properties. The Landlord Works, is an online management facility that allows landlords to upload…
There has been a ‘rent arrears crisis’ in Wales throughout the first half of 2021, the National Residential Landlords Association has concluded. Research findings suggest…
Landlords who use letting agents to undertake ‘right to rent’ tenant checks must have a written agreement to this effect if they wish to avoid…
A last-minute change means the end date for the ‘temporary’ right to rent checking regime, which had been set as 31 August, has now been…
Most landlords are ‘highly vulnerable’ when their tenants build up rent arrears, the Government has conceded. ‘We know that 45 per cent of landlords have…
Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation should be used where possible and appropriate, said the Government in the latest update of its guidance for landlords…
Announcement in Scotland of a £10m grant fund to support tenants struggling to pay their rent as a direct result of COVID-19 has brought with…
Landlords in England are being forced into a corner because tenants are not being given the financial support they need, said the National Residential Landlords’…
Latest assured tenancy forms published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government remind landlords that they cannot rely on Section 21 in all…
There may be a Stamp Duty holiday, but this is a tax that cannot be ignored, says Ella Pumford, content manager at St Modwen Homes….
Excluding London, the annual rate of rental increase across the UK was higher at the end of March than it has been for over four…
Landlords who have disposed of property last tax year and have sold, or intend to sell another this year, have been warned of a tax…