Landlords should not make assumptions about anybody’s right to rent or their immigration status, updated ‘Right to Rent’ guidance has re-iterated.
In particular, landlords should disregard name, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, accent or length of time resident in the UK.
‘You should ask all prospective tenants to demonstrate their right to rent using either a physical document check… , or by using the Home Office online service. You cannot mandate how an individual proves their right to rent. To ensure that you do not discriminate against anyone, you should provide every opportunity to enable an individual to prove their right to rent’.
Landlord’s guide to right to rent checks, updated this week , is yet more guidance for landlords on the subject.
It follows hot on the heels of Right to rent immigration checks: landlords’ code of practice, guidance for landlords, homeowners and letting agents affected by the introduction of right to rent immigration checks.