Landlord News
Fewer landlords but bigger portfolios
There are now 220,000 fewer private landlords and close to 160,000 fewer rental homes than in 2017. The finding comes from estate agent Hamptons International…
There are now 220,000 fewer private landlords and close to 160,000 fewer rental homes than in 2017. The finding comes from estate agent Hamptons International…
Demand for rental property has already bounced back from the initial shock caused by the coronavirus crisis, the property website Zoopla has reported. Its first…
Home Office ‘Right to Rent’ rules, obliging landlords to check on the residency status of tenants, is legal, the Court of Appeal ruled this week….
Liverpool City Council is to challenge the Government over its decision not to allow renewal of its landlord licensing scheme. The scheme had been running…
Landlords have asked Coventry City Council to defer introduction to an extension of its HMO licensing scheme due to come into effect on 4 May….
National estate agent Savills has said it expects the residential rental sector to be less volatile that the house sale market during the coronavirus crisis….
A ‘stamp duty holiday’ may be needed to help the housing market bounce back in a post coronavirus world, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors…
Government measures have set the stage for ‘a strong rebound’ in the housing market once the shock of the current crisis has passed, says Nationwide….
A clear statement is needed from Government in response to campaigners’ calls for rent payments to be stopped during the coronavirus crisis, said the National…
Landlords have a new national association. A merger approved last year by members of the London-based National Landlords Association and the Manchester-based Landlord Knowledges Association…
Landlords anticipate that their property investments will contribute up to half of their retirement incomes, equating to around £19,785 according to Platinum Property Partners. After…