Landlord News
Landlords’ legal challenge forces council to delay licensing scheme
A council licensing scheme in North Lincolnshire has been delayed following a legal challenge from local landlords. The scheme, which was due to take effect…
A council licensing scheme in North Lincolnshire has been delayed following a legal challenge from local landlords. The scheme, which was due to take effect…
A new report from the London Assembly Planning and Regeneration Committee has laid out a series of recommendations aimed at boosting housebuilding in London. The…
The Bank of England has decided to hold the base rate at 4.5%, despite growing calls for a reduction from homeowners and property investors. The…
The Government is considering introducing new legislation that would compel landlords to allow tenants to install fibre broadband in rental properties. The proposal, which stems…
Demand for larger homes has been the driving force behind UK property price increases over the past year, according to new research from Halifax. Easing…
New research from Barclays has revealed that ‘rentflation’ has cost young tenants an extra £1,616 over the past year, highlighting the ongoing strain on renters…
Landlords and agents are being urged to review their insurance policies to avoid unexpected claim rejections, warns Michael Sears, NAEA Propertymark Commercial Panel Board Member….
Landlords in Scotland are preparing for the end of the temporary rent cap on 1 April, which many say has unfairly restricted their ability to…
Sales activity in the housing market softened slightly in February 2025, with new buyer enquiries and agreed sales turning mildly negative, according to the latest…
The UK property market ended 2024 on a strong note, with house prices recording a 3% annual increase, according to the latest Property Market Index…