An online ‘Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker’ set up by Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has been used just short of 400,000 times since 2017, it has been announced.
And a ‘Property Licence Checker’ has been used 125,000 times since its launch in 2020.
Together the checkers have been viewed 128,000 times in the last year.
The landlord and agent checker ‘names and shames’ landlords and lettings agents who have been successfully prosecuted or have faced civil enforcement action for housing offences. It has been used more than 6,000 times to report landlords concerns or problems to borough enforcement teams.
The mayor has called on the Government to do more to stand up for the rights of renters. This, he said, should start with establishment of a national rogue landlord database, as was promised in the Renters Reform Bill.
‘I’m determined to continue standing up for London’s renters by cracking down on rogue landlords’, said Khan. ‘London’s 2.6m private renters deserve a decent home at an affordable price, let from a fair and honest landlord. The fact that my online tools to root out unscrupulous behaviour of landlords have been used hundreds of thousands of times is a sad indictment of the state of the London rental sector. However, I am pleased to see tenants using these tools to help them avoid dodgy landlords and to stand up for themselves when they are being mistreated or misled’.