Landlord News
New guidance pushes benefit of ADR
Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation should be used where possible and appropriate, said the Government in the latest update of its guidance for landlords…
Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation should be used where possible and appropriate, said the Government in the latest update of its guidance for landlords…
Tenants relying on a new scheme to put their finances in order have been be warned that they must continue to pay rent as it…
There was a time when private landlords were thought of as fair and reasonable people, writes Sharon Betton. They knew how to treat tenants and…
Scotland is to introduce private rented sector reforms ‘early in the next parliament’, Housing Minister Kevin Steward has promised. Subject to re-election, the Government will…
Record numbers of tenants have fallen into rent arrears during the Coronavirus pandemic. Many have no record of arrears but they have had to survive…
A Barnsley landlord has been ordered to undertake 200 hours of unpaid community work, to participate in 15 days of ‘rehabilitation’ training, and to pay…
A Government minister has batted back a question about landlord support during the Coronavirus pandemic with what appear to be out of date statistics. When…
The current ban on bailiff evictions for all but the worst cases of tenant abuse has been extended for ‘at least 6 weeks’, communities secretary…
Scotland’s £10m Tenant Hardship Loan Fund offering interest-free loans to tenants struggling with Covid-induced rent arrears has opened for applications, the Scottish Government has announced….
House prices continued to beat expectations in August, Halifax has reported. Its latest house price index put the month-on-month rate of increase at 1.6 per…
A new survey has confirmed previous findings that relatively few private rental tenants have been unable to meet their rental commitments during the Coronavirus crisis….
Claims that 2.6m private renters have missed a rent payment or expect to do so because of the coronavirus lockdown, have been called into question…
It seems odd that for years I have been saying that legislation to give tenants better security in the private rental sector is not needed,…
We’ve had a ‘new Government’ for 6 or 7 weeks and not sure what has changed. We officially leave the EU on 31st January, but…
I am very aware when I write these little pieces that there can be no generalisation in the average landlord (or landlady). The readers of…