Landlord News
Scotland moves ahead with short-let licensing
All short-term lets will require a licence under proposed legislation outlined by the Scottish Government this week. Its consultation document Short Term Lets Consultation on…
All short-term lets will require a licence under proposed legislation outlined by the Scottish Government this week. Its consultation document Short Term Lets Consultation on…
Scotland has extended its ban on tenant evictions until March 2021. The move had been telegraphed by ministers and came as no great shock. More…
Scotland’s emergency measures introduced at the start of the Coronavirus crisis, including those preventing tenant evictions, could be extended until March 2021. ‘Some measures’, will…
Organisations representing Scotland’s private sector landlords have used a liaison group set up by the Government to press their case for increased coronavirus subsidies for…
A proposed bill to control rent levels in Scotland has been dropped due to lack of time. Introduced in June this year, the Fair Rents…
Rents in London and the South East fell in the year to May 2020, but rose in other parts of Great Britain. The finding comes…