Shawbrook Bank has recently concluded a digital Buy-to-Let case for one of its Strategic Partners, CPC Finance, in a mere six days. This rapid turnaround allowed the professional portfolio landlord to capitalise on an opportunity to expand their property holdings.
The landlord sought to refinance a property and raise capital for a single-dwelling house in South-East London. Shawbrook Bank swiftly responded to the client’s need for a quick solution, providing a Formal Mortgage Offer within 48 hours through their MyShawbrook portal.
MyShawbrook streamlines the application process for simpler cases by incorporating auto-decisioning, Automated Valuation Models (AVMs), and non-represented legals. This enables brokers to connect their clients with the required funding more quickly. In this instance, the loan was deposited into the landlord’s account only six working days after case submission.
Although Shawbrook Bank utilises cutting-edge technology, they also rely on a team of experts to exercise judgement when an automatic approval isn’t possible. This ensures a personalised service, while recognising the importance of speed and efficiency for their customers. The swift decision-making process and guaranteed funding allowed the landlord to expand their portfolio with a suitable financing solution.
Julie Griggs, Director at CPC Finance, commented on the efficiency of the process: “It was a simple, efficient and seamless journey for both the client and ourselves. Shawbrook have invested in their digital journey and it continues to benefit us through reducing the time taken on a manual application, allowing us to provide answers and information to our clients at speed.”
Daniel Standing, National Relationship Manager at Shawbrook, expressed satisfaction with the deal’s rapid completion: “We’re delighted to have got this deal over the line at such a fast pace, demonstrating our commitment to supporting professional landlords with our digital platforms, backed up by the experience of our team. Our team of experts are able to step in and support the technology where a case may sit on a borderline, maintaining the human aspect of what we’ve become known for. But for cases that are relatively straightforward and speed of decision is the critical factor, we’re pleased that our investment in technology is helping to enable our brokers and their clients to capitalise on opportunities, as and when they arise.”