Social housing tenants living in substandard housing are being encouraged to complain to their landlords and if necessary to the Housing Ombudsman.
Housing Secretary Michael Gove has launched a government advertising campaign telling social housing tenants just this.
This follows introduction of the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill which aims to strengthen regulation of social housing, allowing the Regulator to enter properties with only 48 hours’ notice, make emergency repairs with landlords footing the bill and issue unlimited fines to failing landlords.
The national campaign will see advertisements using images of black mould and leaking ceilings run across social media platforms including neighbourhood app NextDoor, and on radio stations and streaming platforms like Spotify in over six languages.
‘Too many social housing tenants are being let down and ignored’, said Gove. ‘This government is determined to stand up for them and give them a proper voice. They deserve a decent, safe and secure home, just like everybody else.
So we are shining a light on rogue landlords that ignore their tenants time and again and allow families to live in disrepair.
This campaign will make sure tenants know their rights and how to make a complaint – giving them the confidence to go to the Ombudsman and ensure action is taken’.