Landlord News
Private landlords should have duty to deal with mould
Citizens Advice is calling on the Government to require private landlords to deal with complaints of serious issues such as damp and mould in their…
Citizens Advice is calling on the Government to require private landlords to deal with complaints of serious issues such as damp and mould in their…
A quarter of private landlords plan to cut the number of properties they let in the next 12 months. The assertion comes from the National…
Private landlords are increasingly targeting smaller, secondary towns and cities, analysis from Paragon Bank has suggested. Its own lending activity has revealed a strong increase…
Most of private landlords who helped tenants during the pandemic by cutting their rents, absorbed the losses by dipping into savings according, research initiated by…
Behind this bald statement lies a story of untold misery, homelessness and hopelessness. Figures provided by the Ministry of Justice show a record number of…
Whilst concerns have been raised about the impact of government reforms on the private rented sector, they are not the only ones who will have…
The Department of Work and Pensions have released statistics that show that 112,180 people were claiming Universal Credit on 13th August. This was later…
When we are children, it feels like Christmas never comes. Then when it arrives, we hope our joyful expectation is rewarded with presents, chocolates, good…
New legislation which will see landlords face fines if they rent homes to illegal immigrants without checking their ‘right to rent’ will be introduced first…
The English Housing Survey and Professor Michael Ball of Reading University, (shortly to publish a report on regulation in the private sector) are the brave…