Landlord Articles
Yet another Citizens Advice campaign
Is there no end to the damage that the Citizen's Advice Bureau will do to the private sector, despite the valuable work it does in…
Is there no end to the damage that the Citizen's Advice Bureau will do to the private sector, despite the valuable work it does in…
As time moves on, the property market in London expands and evolves and the rate of return on investment rises and falls in different areas…
The press are very clear that landlords are the stuff of fairy tales – generally the not very nice ones, the ogres, the trolls! We…
The tenancy is coming to an end. A check-out inspection is arranged with the tenant – the landlord and tenant need to go through the…
Most landlords want their businesses to run smoothly and will be aware of the need for some form of contingency funding. This is a vital…
New legislation which will see landlords face fines if they rent homes to illegal immigrants without checking their ‘right to rent’ will be introduced first…
Summer is in full swing and the weather has been good, but for those landlords who predominantly let to students, it has often been a…
Landlords anticipate that their property investments will contribute up to half of their retirement incomes, equating to around £19,785 according to Platinum Property Partners. After…
Regional variation has led to the average London rent exceeding twice that of North East England, according to the latest data from LSL Property Services.
At Orchard and Shipman, our nationwide property services company has a proposition that is satisfying more and more of today’s ‘Ultra-savvy’ Landlords and Investors by…
The English Housing Survey and Professor Michael Ball of Reading University, (shortly to publish a report on regulation in the private sector) are the brave…
Landlords have always felt that the cost to get rid of the bad tenant was expensive, particularly when often allied to rent arrears and little…