Landlord Articles
Private Rental Sector Thriving
The private rented sector continues to grow and at 4.4million households now has more private renters than the social sector, at 3.9million households. This must…
The private rented sector continues to grow and at 4.4million households now has more private renters than the social sector, at 3.9million households. This must…
Every landlord knows that they need a tenancy agreement in place to rent their property, but occasionally a case comes up that highlights how essential…
Although we covered the new immigration legislation recently, Sharon Betton, landlord advisor with the Bolton Bond Board and author of The Landlord Good Management and Practice Guide,…
Various publications and advice services have been talking about new legislation on fire/smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide monitors for some months, warning landlords to be…
Landlords will be expected to take on the role of Immigration Officers if prospective tenants prove to have no right to remain in the country….
George Osborne’s recent budget seems to be a budget of bad news, for many sectors of society, though may offer some small hope to the…
When it comes to property, size matters. A survey from the Royal Institute of British Architects (Riba) shows that size is the most common problem…
Buy to let really came into being when the 1988 Housing Act first introduced Assured Shorthold Tenancies with limted security of tenure, giving landlords improved…
All landlords are aware that if their tenanted properties fall into disrepair, they are liable for any injuries their tenants sustain due to the disrepair…
Right to Buy, introduced by Mrs. Thatcher’s Government in 1979, formalised what up until then, had been an option offered by local authorities. Councils could…
Universal Credit pilot schemes in the North-West have now been in operation for some time with a view to implementing the scheme nationwide by 2017….
Repair issues are not always straight forward; nor is allocation of responsibility between landlord and tenant. Sharon Betton, landlord advisor with the Bolton Bond Board…
With the Conservative party now secure in Government for another five years, there has never been a better time to get your tax affairs in…
‘The party’s over, it’s time to call it a day…’ goes the old song and that certainly seems to be the case for the Liberal…
Victoria Whitlock, AKA ‘The Accidental Landlord’ explores the pros and cons of managing a property yourself vs using an agent. She considers a third way:…